Dundee City Council have advised us about upcoming road works, that will cause some disruptions to those traveling to Dundee Airport.
From 17 September to 29 September inclusive, traffic restrictions will be in place at Riverside Drive. Passengers and visitors to the airport are being advised to consider alternative routes and allow more time to avoid disruptions.
This includes:
- Riverside Drive (at Bridgeview Café) - mini contraflow and prohibition of right turn into Bridgeview Café car park Sunday 17 (9:00am) to Monday 18 September (6:00am) for Scottish Water work.
- Riverside Drive – Phase 1 - overnight road closure for carriageway resurfacing (7.00pm to 6.00am) from Sunday 17 September to Tuesday 19 September - South Union Street to Riverside east roundabout (eastbound closure only). Monday 18 September to Tuesday 19 September (9.15am to 3.00pm) fast lane closure – eastbound and westbound (off-peak) at Premier Inn/Train Station – to be removed outwith these times.
- Riverside Drive – Phase 1A - overnight road closure for carriageway resurfacing (7.00pm to 6.00am) from Sunday 17 September to Tuesday 19 September at slip roads on Riverside Avenue at Apollo Way and Perth Road.
- Riverside Drive – Phase 2 - overnight road closure for carriageway resurfacing (7.00pm to 6.00am) from Tuesday 19 September to Tuesday 26 September at Riverside Approach to Riverside Pavilion.
More information is available via Road Report | Dundee City Council.