HIAL’s former head of business development, Lynda Johnston, was awarded a Rural Transport Award from the Scottish Rural & Islands Transport Community for her work on SATE, during her final week in the role.
Lynda Johnston said of the award: “This is an award for the Sustainable Aviation Test Environment consortium team. There is a range of brilliant people in the project, too many to mention, all with different motives driving their involvement but with a common aim to develop a sustainable regional aviation transport network.
“Collectively we are learning about current regional transport issues and how they could be addressed more sustainably in the future using a range of new aircraft. The UKRI funded Future Flight Challenge project has brought together the communities who will benefit from the technology, the aircraft developers, the regulators, the new fuel developers, and the HIAL Board have shown leadership by investing in the project to understand the airport infrastructure that will be required, and what the new systems will mean for HIALs business model going forward.”